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Oklahoma Zoo

Tiger Safari Zoological Park

Phones:   Park: 405-381-9453    Cell: 405-414-9365    Fax: 405-381-3291

Location:  Tiger Safari Zoological Park     963 County street 2930    Tuttle Oklahoma 73089

Tiger Safari Zoological Park

Tiger Safari Zoological Park

New for 2012 is our new Safari Welcome Center and banquet hall which includes our already famous Serengeti room, completely decked out in original pictures and artifacts from Africa. The Safari Welcome Center  which overlooks our waterfalls, will make any birthday party an exciting adventure. Also available for 2012 is our jungle safari treehouse. The jungle safari treehouse stands 30 feet above the ground with a gorgeous view of our waterfalls as well as the exotic animals throughout the park. Other rooms and pavilions include: the Tropical Rainforest Room, Lion King Room, Mala Mala Pavilion, Sabi Sabi Pavilion, The Australian Outback, The Smokey Den Pavilion, and the Tiger Den Pavilion. For the young and young at heart, your Safari Adventure will not be forgotten.

Zoo To You
Can’t have the party at the park? Tiger Safari can bring the Zoo To You. Tiger safari Zoo To You program can bring an array of animals for any birthday party need. We have available to you as few as 6 animals or as many as 20 animals.Tiger Safari has the largest selection of domestic and exotic animals in the state of Oklahoma for your Zoo To You party needs.  Corporate events / Church Functions/ Schools and Daycare Programs are also available.   Tiger Safari Jungle Zoo To You, Whoo Hoo!

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